Kook Scoop
Kook Scoop
The Kook Scoop is an Edge Board style board inspired by the famed Spoon by George Greenough and the equally interesting Double Hot Curl.
This finless wonder has deep single concave tucked within an Edged planing bottom and beveled rails that transition into completely rounded rails in the back third of the board with a deep cresent tail. Additionally, this board has an extremely low rocker throughout. This combination of features makes for super fun small wave board that can handle punchy and bigger waves on a larger custom model.
The low rocker, edged bottom, concave, and beveled rails allow for increased speed and release to generate momentum quickly on any wave and also allows for consistent planing speed.
The deep crescent tail rounded back rails("pegs") creates extra hold and contol in a board with otherwise almost none. The rounded "pegs" act like fins as they have minimal release and sink into wave.
While this board has a capacity to be a pretty gnarly ride in average to bigger surf on models above 5'6", it is designed as a small wave board for good surfers looking ro get more play and more performance than a short soft top.
It's also designed for youngsters who dont know if they want to stand up, belly board, boogie, knee board or just swim.
This board is available with cork deck padding.
Hand-Shaped Surfboards
100% hand made and Ecoboard Certified by Sustainble Surf we make our boards from 100% upcycled/recycled EPS, with 30% plant-based Bio-Resins, sourced in the USA. PU/PE boards and other special requests may require additional wait time.
To place a custom order contact us to start the conversation.
You can also follow through with an online purchase. Online purchases secure your board and a quicker wait time. Online surfboard prices are a deposit only, we will contact you to clarify details, start your board, and once finished we will send you a final invoice for the remainder of your payment. Once your board is paid for you can come pick it up or we'll get it sent out to you