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Get Involved

 We have a bunch of ways for you to get involved with us! Check out the opportunities below to learn how you can join our team!


You can stay involved with The Potter's Boards by praying for us! We send out a list ways you can pray with us each month in our newsletter! We know that your act of prayer leads to more action of faith through The Potter's Boards. Some ways to pray today:

  • Wisdom and Guidance for our Team
  • Transformation and Growth in our Youth
  • Development and Growth for The Potter's Boards

Thank you for your prayer and support!


You can support our work with youth and communities by donating! 100% of your donation goes to The Potter's Boards, and supports our work and efforts to transform youth and communities, compared to 10%-60% of revenue from purchases.

Consider the following forms of donation:

  • Sponsor a Grom (youth)
  • Sponsor a Surfboard (to give away)
  • Support a Mentor
  • General Donation


If you have a desire to join us in our mission beyond your prayer and pennies let us know! Some ways to consider are:

  • Receive our Newsletters
  • Follow Our Social Media
  • Volunteer Mentor
  • Board Member
  • Partner Organization
  • Long Term Team Member
  • Much More!

Join our Core Team!

We are currently looking to develop a long term core team to engage in all aspects of our work shaping boards and shaping lives, moving our mission forward! If you think you might be interested keep reading!

We are looking for team members who are excited about

1. Jesus! and their own faith in him!

2. Surfing! and Surfboards!,

3. Youth! and empowering them!

4. Communities! Locals! and partnering with them!

Each team member will be required to take part in out outreach activities, as well as engage in technical daily tasks progressing The Potter's Boards mission and organization! We are looking to fill the following positions: 


Digital Marketing and Media Coordinator (1),


Sales and Production Coordinator (1),


Outreach and Mission Team Coordinators (3).


Each position may be considered volunteer with the opportunity to fund-raise their own salary and/or receive paid-for online college credit in the field of their position. If you're interested send us a message or fill out the form below!! We're stoked!